
Hello. My name is Alison Blackwood, and in the early years of my professional career, I participated in business performance improvement and human resources projects for organizations in different sectors.  My work involved working in teams to identify best practices and to apply these learnings to the organizations going through changes.  

With these experiences I sought to apply this thought process to my personal life by seeking God’s guidance in what He wanted me to learn and in how to utilize the knowledge; and this was the basis for the book Victorious Healing and Growth Through God’s Grace.

To go along with the book Victorious Healing and Growth through God’s Grace, I have summarized my thoughts on each chapter as well as prepared worksheets to guide your study. Click here to view this information.

I have embraced the Bible as containing the best practices for the life of a Christian, and  I realize that the only solution to our problems is to seek the biblical perspective. We are told in Zechariah 4:6 that it is ‘… Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts’ ( KJV).

I enjoy gardening, art and music and I am fascinated by the harmony that God reveals to me as I engage in these activities. Over the years, the many benefits that I experienced from these activities served as the catalyst for me to develop the Treasured Fountain collection. Then combining this collection with my professional and vocational experiences resulted in the formation of Optimal Pathway Inc.

Be Blessed.