Optimal Living

As someone who has come to rest in the peace that only God can provide, the author seeks to share the lessons that she has learnt along her Christian journey.

Each day as we make decisions, God provides us with opportunities to make a positive difference in our lives and in the lives of our family members, our friends, and our coworkers. Jesus came so ‘that … [we] … might have life, and that … [we] … might have it more abundantly.’ (John 10:10).

By delving into the lives of different Bible heroes and analyzing human behavior, the author examines how our attitudes, perspectives, and quest for justification can affect our relationships, not only with the people we associate with but also with our Creator.

God is calling us to live responsible lives. When we trust in Him to guide our path and make us “right,” we will experience Victorious Healing and Growth Through God’s Grace. To read a preview or to obtain a copy, go to www.tsibooks.com/healing. Also available on Amazon: click here

To learn about the author, click here.

To view the blog entries for the book and study guide, click here.